Journalism Project

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Artwork from Iowans with disabilities is currently being displayed at St. Ambrose University’s O’Keefe Library. The exhibit is on display from March 24 until April 30 and features between 10 and 15 artists.

The artists use different mediums such as poetry pottery and painting to express themselves and their ideas.

“It’s always been within me this need to create. If I feel stifled, my pottery is a great release for me,” says Alan Kinsey, according to his biography.

While some have degrees and some are self-taught, the artists all have different disabilities. Yet, these artists clearly do not let their disabilities keep them from doing what they love.

“My disability is many, not one. And not one can hole me back from creating what I feel is a part of me,” Rebecca Scholl says in her biography.

Each artist has their biography set out so visitors can learn something about the people who created the pieces they see before them.

The display is part of a traveling exhibit from the VSA arts of Iowa program. The exhibit travels across Iowa helping to promote the work of these talented individuals. It came to SAU after being seen by Kathy Byers, Administrative Assistant to the Director of O’Keefe Library.

“I thought there work was amazing. It encourages everyone to try things they think they couldn’t do.”

Most of the items on display can be purchased and a list of prices is available. If someone is interested in purchasing an item they can speak to Mary Heinzman, Director of O’Keefe Library. The piece would remain on display until the end of April and then would become be turned over to the purchaser.

Byers went on to tell about one of the paintings on display. There is a painting of a watercolor set that was created by a 16-year-old boy. He had never had art lessons and never had been given the opportunity to paint.

“If it’s not his first picture its one of his first,” says Byers.


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